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Version 1.0 License Agreements

There were two initial CDLA license agreements: 

  • The CDLA-Sharing-1.0 license was designed to embody the principles of copyleft in a data license. In general, if someone shares their data, the CDLA-Sharing-1.0 agreement puts terms in place to ensure that downstream recipients can use and modify that data, and are also required to share their changes to the data. 
  • The CDLA-Permissive-1.0 agreement is similar to permissive open source licenses in that the publisher of data allows anyone to use, modify and do what they want with the data with no obligations to share any of their changes or modifications. It is still a valid license agreement, though we recommend that new collaborations consider using CDLA-Permissive-2.0 instead.

Following the publication of the original CDLA license agreements, Microsoft released the results of a parallel license development effort they had undertaken for related use cases of open data collaboration. Microsoft has kindly contributed stewardship of two of these license agreements to the Linux Foundation’s CDLA workgroup:

  • The Open Use of Data Agreement 1.0 (O-UDA-1.0) is a short, permissive agreement for open distribution of data with limited obligations. This became another precursor to CDLA-Permissive-2.0 as a simple and straightforward agreement for sharing data.
  • The Computational Use of Data Agreement 1.0 (C-UDA-1.0) is a similar agreement for open distribution of data, with the restriction that use of the data is solely intended for “Computational Use”, where some data sets or use cases might require such a limitation.